

This Day in History ...

Sometimes I think it is a very good thing that we don't get advance notice of the things that are coming down the pike.  I know that if I had any advanced warning about most of the major events in my life, I would have done several things:

I would have psyched myself out of a lot of things and tried to hide from the world.
I would have spend more time in the gym working on myself
I would have written more letters to my friends.
I would have said I love you more often.
I would have donated more to fewer charities.  (I've been known to spread a little bit all over the place when sometimes a lot once would have made a much bigger difference.)

But since most of life is about showing up and being as fearless as possible, I'd embrace my inner Cowardly Lion and realize that the Wizard didn't leave me by the side of the road.

I've got more courage than I think. 
I've survived more than I ever would have guessed.
I believe optimism is the new black.

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