

writing doodle - escapee from the prom

"I look like an escapee from the junior/senior prom of 1987." No, she didn't.  She looked like the Michelin man covered in purple taffeta with really, really bad hair.

"Come on out of the dressing room."

"Nothing doing."

"I may have promised to stand up for you at your wedding, but there's no way I can do this."

"You have to.  If you don't do it, no one else will either."

That could have been a very good thing.  That might have meant that the wedding would be scaled back or at least a semi-decent dress would be chosen.

"Tell you what.  I'll pay for it and act like I'm going through with it, but I'll back out the day before."

"Nothing doing.  You have to do it.  Please?"

The please did it.  Whenever her cousin used the word please, Cindy found herself doing whatever her cousin wanted, no matter the consequences.

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