

writing doodle - MoM WoW?

Jared had searched every room in the house to make sure there had been no power tools left on because the racket coming from somewhere was enough to make him want to stuff his ears full of cotton.  He checked every window and didn't see anyone mowing a lawn and there was no construction work happening at the ungodly hour of five o'clock in the fricking morning.  He finally found it when he stumbled upon the form snoring in his bathtub.  Mike, his roommate, was fully dressed, rubber ducky in each hand and large bandage on his forearm.  There was no way to keep Mike's mouth shut to dampen the sound other than duct tape and he didn't want to go searching for it now, maybe in a couple of hours.

Two nights before, Mike's girlfriend decided she wanted a BBD; bigger, better deal.  She didn't care who it was with or that he was married; her boss earned more than twice what Mike did and wouldn't demand her time.  Maybe now Mike wouldn't have to work so much overtime to keep her in the style to which she demanded to be kept.

Jared and Mike decided to celebrate this new found freedom by going on a pub crawl.  The night concluded with a trip to one strip club, three seedy bars, and a greasy spoon.  Jared couldn't remember if there had been a trip to an emergency room, but was pretty sure neither one of them had been inside of an ambulance.

Mystery solved and Jared staggered back to bed.

Several hours later Jared sat at the kitchen table dressed only in his boxer shorts and a pair of mismatched socks eating a bowl of Fruit Loops. 

Mike staggered to the refrigerator, peered inside and found nothing he could recognize without his glasses.  He plopped down in the only chair not covered in dirty laundry and grabbed the cereal box. 

"How you doing?" Jared asked. 

"My head feels like its two sizes too small and my mouth feels like its been stuffed with cotton."  Mike looked at the bandage on his arm and asked, "Did I donate plasma last night?"

"Not that I know.  You're afraid of needles."

"Oh yeah."  Mike gingerly lifted the adhesive from the wound.  "Too big to be a needle prick."

"Wrong spot, too.  If you're gonna play with that thing, get your hands out of my cereal."

"Fine."  The edge of the bandage lifted back and exposed a large heart with a name scrolled carefully inside.  It said Mike.

Jared looked at him and sniggered.  "At least you'll never wonder who you are if you pass out somewhere."


Jared felt a little smug; Mike had a lasting souvineer of the evening and he'd come away relatively unscathed.  Nice.  Usually he was the one who did something stupid and Mike held it over his head for years.  Now he was finally one up on his friend. "Let me know if you're up to going to the gym later today."

"Probably not, but I'll let you know."


"What the hell did you do to your ass?" Mike asked when they were changing in the gym's locker room.

"I have no idea."  Jared tried to look over his shoulder to see what Mike was getting worked up over and saw nothing. 

Mike walked over and ripped off two bandages, one on each cheek.

"What the hell? That hurt."

"Better to rip it off than to do it slowly."

Right. "So what is it?"

"You've got the letter M on each cheek."


"Yep. A single letter M."

"Does it mean anything to you?"

"Sure.  Naked cartwheels."

"Excuse me?"

"Sure.  Naked cartwheels.  Now when you do them, you'll be flashing the world WOW MOM WOW all the way down the street."

So much for not doing something stupid.


Skye Box said...

NO joke... I laughed so hard, I had tears running down my cheeks. I'm horribly sleep-deprived, so that explains the crazy laughter, but this was really funny. I LOVED it. :)

Dooley Girls said...


Glad you liked it ... I was tired when I scribbled it - so we were on the same wave length!