

writing doodle - interview jitters

Pauline checked her reflection in the small compact mirror one more time before she got out of the car.  The Preparation H under her eyes almost shrank the bags she hadn't been able to get rid of for the last month.  The light gloss of Vaseline on her teeth would ensure a bright and even smile.  Her lips were painted a dull red; it accentuated her mouth without making her look old or harsh.  The triple strand of costume pearls with a matching pair of stud earrings should make her look conservative enough.

So far, so good.

She double checked the address for the fourth time to make sure she arrived at the right place.  The number on the rundown ranch house matched and it was the right street name, but somehow she didn't think that an old family business, one that was exceptional in its reputation for generations, would be located here in the land 1970s sitcoms had forgotten.

She expected something sleek and modern or something cozy and chic.

"No time like the present."  She looked at her watch again, she was still too early but she didn't want to sit in her car for the next thirty minutes and ruin her look.  Nope.  If you're early you're on time, if you're on time, you're late."

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