

writing doodle - day 22/23 - word count 219

If I still had hair, I would have shaken it from my eyes.  Instead, I shook it until it hurt, trying to change the image before me.

It wasn't the regular dogwalker.  Nope.  It was Holly from the craft store, two dachshunds, a poodle, and a streamer of yarn flowing from her pockets.

What the hell?  More to the point, how the hell?

"If you just slip me her leash, I'll be back in a jiff."  Molly, or was that Holly, and her words were aimed at the door.  "We won't be gone more than half an hour. Or do you need longer than that to take care of things?"

I grabbed the pillow from the bed and put it in front of me and began the hunt for the leash.  Usually it is on the nighstand for those little emergencies in the middle of the night.  In the wee hours of this morning, okay so seven isn't exactly the crack of dawn but when you only get three hours of sleep, it feels like it, I couldn't find it and didn't particularly care.  It wasn't under the pile of my clothes from the day before, beneath the bed, or on top of the television. What it was doing on the top of the toilet tank was anybody's guess.

so, word count isn't really flowing like a river this time around, but I'm not making excuses either.  Things will wind around again - I hope.

1 comment:

Lizzy D said...

no hair?

and hmmm: H/Molly? will she be more than just a sales person/ contraband yarn contact?
