

Judge Not

We've heard it all before, haven't we? Judge not, lest yee be judged.

I have a couple of problems with that. The first is that we are all judging all of the time.

1. when to pull out into traffic
2. who to vote for (or against as the case may be)
3. what radio stations to listen to (or television programming)
4. which blogs are worth the time/effort to read and/or respond to

You get the idea.

I've spent most of my life looking for ways to be diplomatic and NOT judge because usually the things I judge harshly come home to roost on my own roof. When I judged people for being stupid about their health, mine fell to bits. I took a dislike to a particular car manufacturer and wound up owning two from that maker. At one point, I feared becoming overly heavy ... I was moderately heavy and now am - you follow my meaning.

In December I went to a local meeting of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and they needed Readers for their annual contest. I volunteered and then promptly forgot about it. Then I found out that I volunteered to read more than one category - I volunteered for two.

So, since these are published authors and I am actually evaluating and judging them (if it were merely reading they'd never know I'd seen their pieces), does this mean that I will not only have a full length novel published but it will be an award winner as well?

Hmm. Maybe I should look into judging more favorably!

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