

Shooting the Messenger

Energy work is a delicate and precarious thing. It doesn't seem like it could be or should be, but when you are working with someone's beliefs about themselves and their lives, things get tricky. Some days very tricky.

The ego is a very delicate and fragile thing.

We all want to perceive ourselves the way Garrison Keillor sees the people of Lake Woebegon: "All the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."

We want to be the strong one, the good looking one, the above average one.

A lot of people don't want to hear that they aren't up to expectations.

The healer has a responsibility to get out of his or her own way and let the Universe (Spirit, God) guide the session.

How much harder for the client to hear the truth and unvarnished.

Just my thoughts.

I told someone about herself today, and I didn't make it pretty. It was raw and unvarnished.

I should have varnished it; polished things; made it smoother.

The result is that I was shot for it.

People lie when they say they want the truth.

The result?

The messenger has been shot and is bleeding.

The friendship has been irrevocably damaged.

Next time, I'll use polish (Lemon Pledge I think) and see what difference it makes.

Twenty years and I still make mistakes.