

In Praise of Story Tellers

My entire family has always told stories. I don't know if it is because my grandparents and parents were influenced by radio plays or if it was a way to entertain kids when they were on vacation. 

It doesn't much matter.

What does matter? 


Varying and unusual stories. Stories where the people don't always behave the way the audience wants.  Stories where people grow and develop.  Stories about the little things that are/were important.

Why do I want to write stories?


I want to see if I can take my imagination and make it (somewhat) credible. Can I get characters to speak in his/her own voice (opposed to all sounding the same)?  Can I elicit an emotional response from the reader? Can I entertain my family and friends?

Some days I think I am up to the challenge.  Then there are other days - the days when the editor sends back a piece that was emotional and difficult and he/she doesn't get it.  There are weeks when the muse is silent and sipping tropical drinks on an island somewhere and didn't invite me.

We'll see how it all goes - and if it continues to go.

Crossing fingers.

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