

The Distant Past - The Sun

The Sun the card representing steadfast reliability in the distant past.  (Depending on how old you are that is either six months ago or sixty years ago.  Just thinking.)

In Buddhism there is a saying, "Winter always turns to spring."  In English we say, "The sun also rises."

Both imply dependability, regularity,  and constancy.

Who or what would be steadfast in the distant past for the heroine?
  • Family member or friend - a relationship that had been strong and could be strong again?
  • Location - a home, an institution (school, church, club house) where there was an easy and regular acceptance?
  • A hobby or sport that has been put aside like when a young child puts aside his or her toys?
I'd like to see this be the relationship she had with her father.  A Gary Cooper type character: few words, strong, dependable, strong moral comopass.

For him, I'd like to see it perhaps as a family business that has been unattended and is either about to fail or one that he thinks he is too good to run ... something small and Mom and Pop-ish.  Something that isn't techie or trendy. But he has failed at technology and he's been half a step behind the trends.

Is something that has been put away, avoided, or replaced always gone?  Is it possible to go back to that once safe time and place or recreate something to bring the feelings back?  To a degree, in reality I think so; in fiction the answer should be a yes.

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