

a rose is a rose ...

I have never been good at contractions. That's not quite true - in writing exercises at school, fine.  On various jobs when a new alphabet soup was needed, ok.

Blondie is part golden, part retriever, and a mix of about 20 other dogs.  What do we call him? Cute.  Easy and only four letters.

Peabody, Blondie's former partner in crime, would have been a shep-ollie based on current contractions.  He was a German shepherd and collie mix.  What did we call him?  Gorgeous (because he answered to it).

Now everyone is contracting their dogs and mixing them like they are hip designer accessories. Now there are golden-noodles, labra-doodles, chugs, and the like. 

What ever happened to mutts?

Dogs that are/were loved who are/were of indeterminate breeding?
We will probably never know with certainty what Goldie is - but based on this image I found tonight on the web, chances are she's a Puggle.

Does this mean she needs her own shades and pearls?


Anonymous said...

contractions? Oh I think I get it Pug + beagle = puggle/

I think of contractions as things with apostrophe's..ooops I mean apostrophes. (just kidding. Aren t you amazed by the places the little apostrophe is being used these days?)



Karen said...

Puggle - very cute. How are Blondie and Goldie getting along?