

writing doodle

It was harder than trying to find Santa Claus in August or the Tooth Fairy in south Florida.  The search for the most perfect, and by definition, most illusive, hat was about to make Sandra crazy.

Her mother and aunts kept talking about finding the right hat for spring.  How the right hat would make an outfit.

Did that mean that she was going to be naked if she didn't have a hat on?

The phrase that the right hat framed the face made no sense to her.  Was she going to have to walk around with a picture frame if she couldn't find the perfect chapeau?

She lived smack in the middle of New Mexico and all she could ever find were cowboy hats.  Most of them were made of straw and had significant brims.  They were typical and unimagined.

What she really thought she wanted was something colorful and extraordinary.

Two days before Easter, she finally found it.  A bouquet of flowers exploding over the headpiece with a magnificent ribbon as a chin strap.

She put it on and could barely keep her head upright.

It was perfection in silk and plastic.

Perfectly inspired and creative on each and every level.

Sandra didn't have to ask the price; there was no price too great for an item of perfection.

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