

lottery numbers ... mine never win

So, initially I thought I'd find 'winning' lottery numbers.  Surely someone has a composite of the numbers that win on a regular basis, right?


I found oodles of places that have software to help you pick winning number.  I found other sites that used statistics (one of the classes I barely survived in college) and statistical theory to explain how the numbers did and didn't work.

I even looked at last night's Powerball Numbers. Not the ones that actually won, but the ones I paid one dollar for the computer to generate.  Since the numbers didn't pay off, I'm not going to use them as a basis for a story.

Nope.  Not doing it.

I have settled on a much more significant and important method to chose my numbers.

Yep.  Lucky Numbers from my fortune cookie last night - or was it the night before?

Fortune:  You shall seek out new adventures (not a bad title/theme)
Numbers:  10, 14, 19, 27, 33, 480 (yep - it is high so it will be the highest card in the deck)

Fortune:  Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can
Numbers:  52, 13, 11, 28, 41, 25

now to find the book and start to look some things up.

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