

Speaking of Love - anthology to be released soon!

I always get excited when something of mine gets published!  I'm even more excited when it is something printed.  To me there is still a warm fuzzy to be had by an actual, honest to Pete book that you can hold in your hands and thumb through. 

Speaking of Love is an anthology by Bright Light Multimedia (Australia) accepted some of my work a year and change ago (yes, I know I've mentioned it before), but now they are getting ready to go into print.

For me it is exciting because I like them and I like what they do. As a press and as an organization, they look for the good and they seem to revel in positive messages/books/CDs. 

When I get the date the anthology goes to press, I'll let you know.  It is a small thing in the overall scheme of life, the world, and the human condition, but it is the small things where we find and take joy.


Lizzy D said...

wonderful! bravo!

Dooley Girls said...

I am excited about it. I know it is baby steps, but it is one more way I can get my name out there.

Applause feeds the muse and lettuce feeds the Plot Bunny.