

Temperance - the Immediate Challenge

Temperance is a huge card for Tarot ... especially as the Immediate Challenge Card.

The goal is to rebuild, to find balance.  To overcome a loss or a major change.

Looking at the card, the sun is coming up - promising that tomorrow will indeed come and is indeed moving over the horizon.  The water between the cups indicates balance and change.  I see the halo and wings as a good sign, but I'm entitled. The flowers that are blooming in the foreground indicate that life does come from mud, muck and mire.

In the current, almost, plotted story, the heroine has made some discoveries.
  • the man she loved/loves does not feel the same and has made future plans without her.
  • every decision she has made about her life and her future revolved around  him: where she lived, who she saw, how she spent her money, and the sacrifices she made on her behalf
  • she has invested a large amount of time and money trying to build a future with a man who was only interested in her for what she could provide to him.
  • his goals/dreams/aspirations is to find someone who will support him and not require/request of him that he hold up his end of any bargain
  • she has to find inner strength to cancel him from her life, even if that means that she loses all of the 'friends' she thought she had in common with him.
Now with limited funds, she has to pull herself up by the bra strap and see what she is made of.  Her overall goal isn't to find romantic love, it is to find peace, balance, and restore her relationships with family.

Inner strength.  It isn't just for breakfast anymore.


Karen said...

Tarot for Writers is very fitting for you. How insightful of Fuzzy to find it and give it to you. How will this inspire your writing?

Dooley Girls said...

I hope what it will do for me is make me taller, thinner, smarter and richer.

In all reality I think it will make me listen to one set of voices instead of many ... too many voices and the noise is overwhelming!

Karen said...

I try very hard to quiet the many voices. My latest project is to quiet the negative ones.

Hey, I just noticed that you love Rumpole, as well. DH calls me She Who Must Not Be Named. :)

Dooley Girls said...

I love She Who Must Not Be Names. At times I feel like I am She Who Must Be Ignored - or She Who Must Be Placated.